Cefla Finishing LAB: Shaping the future of finishing

Cefla LAB

Cefla Finishing LAB is a space where our partners and customers can run tests on our machines, or a laboratory where we develop the industry’s next innovative technology.

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The LAB is a concept we have converted into a strategy, which builds a strong bond between ourselves and our customers.

Here, every day, customers and industrial partners perform dozens of tests on new products, validate solutions proposed to the market through industrial tests and experiment with new technologies.

An innovation incubator, where completely new ideas and solutions are shaped.

Cefla LAB: where new ideas and completely innovative solutions are born

In our LAB you can see over a hundred Cefla Finishing machines in operation, invent and test entire processes and merge your experience with our expertise.

The milestone for your company's future

Cefla Finishing

Research and development

Try out new technologies to build the machines of tomorrow.

In this space we go beyond the limits of technology to introduce new and unique opportunities to the market. Here, every day, a new process, patent or business opportunity is generated.

Custom solutions

Not only ideas, but also partnerships, are created in the LAB.

In the Lab space, together we can design solutions that really meet your needs: solutions that integrate with your company's other systems, meet your space parameters and your requirements in terms of finishing and productivity.

Productivity testing and ROI 

We leverage the Lab to optimise each process within an integrated line.

We identify every opportunity to improve performance and achieve the best results. Will the productivity of the new solution you are assessing be able to provide you a quick Return On Investment? You can answer this question right now by booking a visit to our LAB.

Discover how to use Cefla Finishing technologies for your business. Do you want to do a custom test?


Cefla Finishing experience combined with the experience of industry partners

The future of finishing, decoration and digital printing starts in our laboratories: a process in which our partners, such as paint manufacturers, are closely involved.

Only a strong synergy with our industry partners allows us to develop innovative solutions and achieve excellent results for each of us.

Where we are: always by your side

Imola - Italia

3000 Mq

It all started fifty years ago. In order to constantly provide innovative solutions, at the end of the 1970s, Cefla Finishing set up a testing laboratory, in the Imola headquarters, with the aim to provide customers with the best technology available on the market. Since then, the LAB has grown and Cefla Finishing has exported this experience on a global scale, for all finishing technologies.

Charlotte - USA

1500 Mq

Our North American headquarters in Charlotte is home to the USA’s best-equipped finishing lab. Our customers and partners can test their substrates and finishing processes under realistic manufacturing conditions to assess the advantages of Cefla finishing systems.

Tianjin - Cina

1200 Mq

The Tianjin LAB, equipped with machines built on-site and technologies developed by Cefla in Italy, gives local customers the opportunity to access Cefla’s expertise and test processes alongside the industry’s leading experts.

We have developed over 100 patented technologies

Our objective is to drive the industry towards new frontiers.

Case studies
